Why is it so difficult for a man to put on a black suite and to go with a cute girl to a ball?
I now asked so many friends if they would like to come with me to this famous ball in Vienna and to spend a nice evening with me. I heard several answers with the exact same result: NO!
But if I would ask the exact same men to come for dinner they would not hesitate any second! This is really unfair!!! Come on, I am a beautiful woman, I am charming, I am funny and spending time with me (also on a ball!!!) is something special. Take your chance - helloooooo?
Is it really that hard for us to do something special for the other one to make him or her happy? It does not matter if you are a couple or not. Making someone happy is good for your Karma.
Men are always claiming the do not understand us women. Well, maybe start in listening?!?! If a woman calls you asking to go along with her, say YES, would love to do so.
We neither need nor expect expensive presents. It would be so easy and men still are not able to do the most simple things in the world. Open the door for her, helping her into her jacket, making compliments, calling, writing emails, answer also on them, calling back, visit movies with her although it is a romance, see her as a present and treat her like the most special person in the world. Then we would start doing the same things for him too - that simple.
So if there ís any chance to find someone joining me to this ball I would be more than happy!
looks like somebody is frustrated here... well, sorry andy but i can't really give you any advise in this matter! but i know what you're talking about! you like it the old fashioned way ;-). unfortunately I am not a guy and I am not in vienna at that time (or am i already? i could dig now through my emails in order to find out which ball you're talking about but can't you just tell me? ;-)
AntwortenLöschenanyhow, i hope you find a guy who appreciates your company and will come along with you to this famous ball!
nb. if you can't find anybody and i happen to be in austria already and you can bear to got to a ball with a girl friend - let me know ;-)
nb2. i like the pic of you! little sepia added - right? ;-)