Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

What is love?

Love means also being part of the life from the other one and letting him/her be part of your life. This sounds pretty easy but I think this is the most challenging part of a relationship.

Being part of a life means also being responsible for it, for yourself and your love.

I was at the wedding today, it was beautiful and all people looked so happy! The moment when both said "yes" was special. And I start to think about what love really means. Why is it always so difficult? Why do so many people change their status in Facebook from "Relationship" to "Single"? What is the secret of love? I read so many books in my life like "Women are from Venus, men from Mars" "Mary" etc. But I think the most important part is to stop thinking that Mr or Mrs Perfect is out there. I think I was my whole life searching for this one... The person I now found again was myself. And it took me 35 years to love myself the way I am and having a good relationship with myself. This is the first step for a good relationship to a wonderful man too I guess?!?!?! :))) So my confidence in 2009 as MY personal year is back when I saw today the love of two of my friends when they looked at each other and the whole family and friends where part of that moment. Thank you fot that!

I had very nice evening yesterday, it was good to see him again.

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009


Do we search for the time being for the second half of us who makes us complete?
Are we not perfect if this half is missing?
What does marriage mean?
I am thinking about "us"...
When do we start to be an "us"?
When do we decide not to be anymore?
Is it possible nowadays that marriage will last forever?

Today I received the folling message from the Universe which touched me in a deep way

"You can rest assured, Andrea, that those who have hurt you had absolutely no idea of what they were doing and what was really going on.
It never occurred to them that you'd become even more magnificent. That they'd be invoking your sympathy, adding to your compassion, and increasing your "sparkles." And it will still be eons before they can grasp that you actually welcomed them into your life and played their little games for some of these very reasons.
Love you with all of my heart..."
My good friend Alex is getting married tomorrow *ggg*
YES I do believe in love and yes I do believe in marriage and it´s the best way to express that you will stick together in good days and in bad days until the rest of your life. Alex, I wish you from my deepest heart a beautiful wedding and a future life as a family which will live happily ever after! ;)))

Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2009

Make up yes or no?

When I woke up today after a long sleep I felt fresh and good…
But before I start writing I think I should introduce myself !
My name is Andy and I am a 35 year old girl and interested in all kind of SatC stuff – friends, fashion, food, fotos and men ;))) I work as a banker, it is definitly not the cool job I expected to have when I was 13 but I love it, we are a great team and last but not least I make money...

So let´s start again: When I woke up today I felt so fresh and full of energy. I stood in front of the mirror and decided to put on make up. This one which looks natural but brings out your face in the most perfect way and I thought by myself: You never know whom you will meet today. Well and I met someone when I was on my way to work... It was HIM who broke my heart recently. I felt cool, calm and I looked perfect – I was charming, beautiful and adorable!!! He was the oposite of me. Well offcourse he looked gorgeous but he was nervous and he seemed loosing the talent talking in full sentences ;)))

So thanks to the universe that it happened today!

This is an absolute "con" for make up yourself - just a bit, everytime you go outside, feel comfortable and love yourself. You never know who will pass your way. Is it George, is it your personal Mr Big or is it someone who once broke your heart – nervous and definitly not prepaired seeing you - and you will feel even more comfortable, because girls out there: YOU ARE PERFECT!

And by the way I received an e-mail from an absolute lovely guy....