Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009


Do we search for the time being for the second half of us who makes us complete?
Are we not perfect if this half is missing?
What does marriage mean?
I am thinking about "us"...
When do we start to be an "us"?
When do we decide not to be anymore?
Is it possible nowadays that marriage will last forever?

Today I received the folling message from the Universe which touched me in a deep way

"You can rest assured, Andrea, that those who have hurt you had absolutely no idea of what they were doing and what was really going on.
It never occurred to them that you'd become even more magnificent. That they'd be invoking your sympathy, adding to your compassion, and increasing your "sparkles." And it will still be eons before they can grasp that you actually welcomed them into your life and played their little games for some of these very reasons.
Love you with all of my heart..."
My good friend Alex is getting married tomorrow *ggg*
YES I do believe in love and yes I do believe in marriage and it´s the best way to express that you will stick together in good days and in bad days until the rest of your life. Alex, I wish you from my deepest heart a beautiful wedding and a future life as a family which will live happily ever after! ;)))

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