Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

What is love?

Love means also being part of the life from the other one and letting him/her be part of your life. This sounds pretty easy but I think this is the most challenging part of a relationship.

Being part of a life means also being responsible for it, for yourself and your love.

I was at the wedding today, it was beautiful and all people looked so happy! The moment when both said "yes" was special. And I start to think about what love really means. Why is it always so difficult? Why do so many people change their status in Facebook from "Relationship" to "Single"? What is the secret of love? I read so many books in my life like "Women are from Venus, men from Mars" "Mary" etc. But I think the most important part is to stop thinking that Mr or Mrs Perfect is out there. I think I was my whole life searching for this one... The person I now found again was myself. And it took me 35 years to love myself the way I am and having a good relationship with myself. This is the first step for a good relationship to a wonderful man too I guess?!?!?! :))) So my confidence in 2009 as MY personal year is back when I saw today the love of two of my friends when they looked at each other and the whole family and friends where part of that moment. Thank you fot that!

I had very nice evening yesterday, it was good to see him again.

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